
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

My Spy (2020) что-то знал? Чернобыль Припять это Россия!

Some weird things from China

 Explosive cum? Cum explosion? Yes! "Explosicum"!

There's also a Chinese band with the same name. I wonder which came to be first, the cookie or the band?

Some really strange English on a surveillance camera's tech box. Click on the image to enlarge it and read the small text on the box.

This very cute animal is a quintessence of a "what the fuck am I doing here". This pigbear is trapped forever receiving trash, he obviously minds it but can't do anythinng about it. Poor little thing.

Linda Evangelista reminds me Milla Jovovich

 Check out these two famous ladies.

Do they have some common genes?



Thursday, October 6, 2022

Who is who's doppelganger? Dave Bautista and Vitaliy Khaev today!

This is the famous Dave Bautista 

And this is his Russian counterpart Vitaliy Khaev

Not like spitting images of each other, but there is a certain likeness.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

More of the fun number plates and strange language

Egg 356 car

A 8 hoop car

Some really weird English (English?)  on photo shooting town buildings

Etirps, Torrac, Hcanips and Cola.

Mahe yrtiswith you. Electrcial appilance shop.


Friday, June 3, 2022

The BIGGEST ever dinosaurs!!!

Just a cool shower head

Weird animal optical illusion

A High-tech water tap!


Some weird Chinese stuff

 Let's have a look at my new little compilation of Chinese weirdness

The food is not hungry, don't feed it!

Tom 2 is a cool name for a truck

Fario 9 is not a bad name for a car either.

Rori 2 is like a Loli but pronounced by a Japanese person who has troubles saying letter L properly

Just find the problems by yourself if you are literate

Another truck, another cool name for it - Ryooo!

Chinese think that stadiums are for picnics. "Where to play soccer then?" you'd ask and the answer is - in the enclosed mini soccer fields.

You can't say better! Close To Civilization Close To Urine!

SS - China top brand! Looks a lot like that German infamous SS

Some kind of a face looking at me off the wall

Please do not climb on safety, the safety doesn't like it!

leave your handicop at home, it is not allowed here. You can't do a dypass with it either.

Для русскоговорящих или русскочитающих - Уебный план и этим всё сказано.

Такой вот план в одном из университетов Китая.

Тестор. Явно ТЕСТОР, а не Tectop.