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Friday, February 14, 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
SPIDER-MAN (1996 animated TV series)
This Spider-man version was my standard since it was the first one for me to see anything about Spider-man and his adventures. Later when I was exposed to more of the iconic hero media I only got more reassurance that it was and is the best version up 'till now.
The only parts I didn't like in the series are those about the Goblins (Yellow, Green). I dislike those characters and not interested in any episodes involving them. The roster of the rest villains and allies is big and various, from Doc Oc to Dormammu, from the Black Cat to the Fantastic 4. Of course the CGI is out of place in the cartoon, but it's bearable. It's good that the series told Parker's story from one point of his life to another, progressing in time, unlike many other series which are stuck in with random stories in every episode and the characters never change.
Here is a set of strange things I noticed
I suppose it should be LIFE functions
Muscum? Maybe museum?
I didn't know in America of Marvel comics they use Greek writing. Anyone to confirm it's a meaningful text or just a gibberish?
Wliat is Spiderman! Indeed, WHLIAT??
From now on I cease all communi catons with people and start to have communications!
Here my question is: why upon imprisoning the most powerful criminals in the city the police kept their weaponry and armors nearby and didn't dispose of it or at least put it at some far away and better protected place?? Another question is why Shocker and Rhino were allowed to stay in their suits, but Mysterio and Scorpion weren't? And why not saw off doctor Octopus's tentacles. They are not a part of his body, so there's no harm to him in it.
Here Doc Oc has his tentacles cut off, but next moment they are all fine!
The newspaper text can change, just like Harry Potter's magical newspapers!
"...relief effort" became "...reliff effort" and Dr Mariah Crow's toes arrive in New York? wow! what about the rest of her body? WAit a minute, is she Dr Crow or Dr Crowford? Wait another minute! Is Spider Man a Spider Man or a Spider Main???!
Hey, buddy, did you finish your antigravity rese arch? I thought so! When you're done with it begin to research English spellings!
This guy starts his attack in one outfit, progresses with it in another and finishes the attack with the first one! He must be Flash, I didn't recognize him, thought the Flash was white.
Greek specialists, is it Greek or in New York all newspapers use some variant of English like that?
Oh, my. Spider-man went to Russia and look what he saw there: POLICIЯ! Which is probably POLICE, but at that time there was no POLICE in Russia, there was МИЛИЦИЯ.
No need to call Russian specialists here, I am the one adn I am here already. Telephone in Russian is Телефон, without any accent marks over an O. Why does it say Telephone there, but no number is written anywhere? And why the rest of the card is not in Russian? The name is in English and then something in Greek?? Mother Russia is fucked up in 1996-1997! Well, New York and America were as well...
EXO squad
Hello! This time I'd like to praise the EXO squad animation TV series. It's a very solid and consecutive show which, I believe, deserves a live action iteration. Exo-skeleton suits, mechas, unknown alien threat, artificial sapient human replacements, space pirates and a great war - it got everything!
There are some aspects which contradict with real world physics and science and it those are eliminated or explained then the show would be perfect.
I found some weird geographic mistakes and offer you to have a look at them. Other places on Earth were named correctly, such as New-York, Chicago and so on.
1 - NIAGRA falls instead of NiagAra falls
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