
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Nudity in Chinese temples and some other stuff

I've stumbled upon one of the most weird murals in a Chinese Buddhism temple which shows a contemporary pig shepherd and a pissing monk who flaunts his manhood. Check it out!

This is a shoe shop which is called Harry Potter. No little TM (trademark) near Harry Potter, so it's an unauthorized usage of the trademark.

Here there is some propaganda poster of some sort, but pay attention to the upper part where the software they used to make it prompts them to add their content which they didn't and just printed it out like that.

Some bad English from China

A selection of hand-picked mistakes and bad English from China. Enjoy.

Service unvilable

Disalied parking only

Pee into the pool, shit in the pit 


Fruist x Fullness


Funny Mao Zedong/Смешной Мао Цзедун

While traveling around China I noticed this strange and funny statue of chairman Mao and it reminded me a maneki-neko (a japanese cat toy, usually displayed at shops).
Во время путешествия по Китаю я заметил эту странную и забавную статую председателя Мао, которая напомнила мне манэки-нэко (японскую игрушечного кота, которого обычно выставляют в магазинах).


To make things even more similar I'll tell you that in Chinese "mao" can also mean "cat".
Чтобы добавить больше сходства, я скажу вам, что по-китайски «мао» также может означать «кот».