
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Never learn English from Chinese teachers

Here is another example of Chinese English teaching stupidity. They invent their own sounds and rules of English pronunciation. They claim they are right and don't listen to native speakers and don't trust dictionaries. They claim that if their teachers taught them that way then it's the indisputable truth.

They are stupid to think so. Guys, never learn English from Chinese teachers.

Can you find that underlined sound anywhere in English dictionaries? Tell me if you can.

And here are some examples of their bullshittery about pronunciation:

if a word has ST letters together - they claim it must be pronounced as ZD, e.g. STORK - ZDORK, STOP - ZDOP and so on.

if a word has SP letters together then they claim and teach that it must be pronounced as ZB, e.g. SPOON - ZBOON, SPACE - ZBACE and so on.

There are more of their own rules about English speech, now I don't remember what else.

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