
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sandow's system of exercises with dumbbells 6 kg results

And so it's time to post my measurements taken after finishing 6 kg dumbbells exercises. This time I am not so satisfied with the results because they are not significant. I went through a lot of pain and struggle when doing biceps curls and push-ups, but my chest didn't grow and my biceps grew just a little.
For some time I didn't have any improvement on my biceps but then later I thought the problem was that I had breaks between the sets and when I made a video and didn't have breaks my biceps became bigger, but then later I still had breaks between the sets and the size still improved so I guess it was just a plateau which I finished due to increasing reps. Some parts didn't grow at all. I just hope that what happened is strengthening of my muscles without growth. I am having a break between the cycles and today it's the 5th day of complete rest. I almost don't feel pain in my arms so I will start the new 7 kg cycle after one more day of rest. I hope the new cycle will bring me much coveted growth in size and strength.

Now take a look at my measurements (in cm):
Weight: 76.4 kg
Height: 170
Biceps LR: 37; 37.9 
Chest (inhaled): 106.5
Waist: 85
Thighs LR: 59; 59.5
Calves LR: 38.5; 38.6
Forearms LR: 29.5; 30

Happy upcoming New Year!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Sandow's dumb-bells system day 7 (6 kg)

My training came to this point when I am using 6 kilos dumb-bells and it is hard, but I still hope I can reach the final weight of 9 kg. This time I forgot to do the alternate version of the 4th exercise.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sandow's system 6 kg update

Hi. For a couple of last weeks I didn't grow a millimeter of muscles on my biceps. Today I made a video of my training and I did exercises without breaks between them. Then at the end of my training I found out that my arms were bigger which haven't happened during my last weeks of training when I had 1-2 minute breaks between each exercise. H-m-m-m. So, I guess I needn't have breaks unless it's really necessary? Yet it was really bad to not have a break between the first two exercises. Muscles ached a lot and I had to shrug my shoulders a bit (unconsciously) to keep doing the second exercise.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sandow's dumbbells 6 kg training first impressions

As the post's title says my first impressions are as follows: biceps exercises are hard to do; alternate form of the 4th exercise is difficult to do and I can no longer keep my arms in horizontal position;  the 5th exercise is much harder to do now; of course I can hold my arms at the shoulders level for a shorter time now during the rotational exercises; I didn't notice a very big difference in other exercises.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Post Sandow's system 5 kg dumbbells training measurements

Hello. The 5 kg cycle is over and I measured my body parts. This time no impressive gains and there are even some regressions. It may be due to my poor measuring skills though, so either data taken may be wrong - the past or the present. 😕
I had 5 day-offs during the 5 kg cycle. Maybe my results are not so good due to that? In my previous cycles I had no day-offs, then 2 day-offs, then 3 day-offs and I had 2, then 3, then 4 days breaks between the cycles.

This are the results (in cm):
Weight: 76 kg
Biceps LR: 36.6; 37.4
Chest (inhaled): 106.6
Waist: 85
Thighs LR: 58; 59
Calves: LR: 39; 39
Forearms LR: 29.2; 30.2
Measures are taken on the next day after finishing the cycle.

Compare the photos, but seems not much of a change visually.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Changes to my training

Hi. In my previous post I wrote that some exercises are painful and such as the lunge and punch. I decided to check Sandow's book again and I found out that in the beginning I comprised my training schedule from a couple of his tables and I chose the higher values of repetitions. So, this time I reverted back to the original ones and thus there are less punches I do now. There is also a little change in some other exercises i.e. less repetitions for squats, less push-ups (without weights).
Finishing the first exercise is so hard now when the number of reps reaches >90 times.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Day 8 of my training following Sandow's system (5 kg dumbbells)

Hello-hello. This time I present a video of my training using 5 kilos dumbbells.
For you big guys out there this may seem like a laughable matter but for your average guy like me it already looks like a big achievement!
First of all, my biceps ache during the exercises, the area around elbows aches too. The most difficult exercise is push-ups. The second most painful exercise is the lunge plus punch when I do it for my left arm. The pain becomes strong closer to the end of the repetitions. But my right arm feels OK.
One exercise became hard to do, it's the alternate form of the 4th exercise. I don't know how to continue to do it, maybe I will just keep doing it with arms lower than the horizontal position.
If you were wondering what is wrong with me then I'll tell you now, I have a bad case of scoliosis, so, for example, I can't maintain a good posture and some of my poses look ugly. You try to keep your back straight if you can. I can't.

Привет-привет. На этот раз я представляю видео моей тренировки с использованием гантелей в 5 кг.
Для вас, здоровяки, это может показаться смехотворным делом, но для среднего парня, как я, это уже выглядит как большое достижение!
Прежде всего, мои бицепсы болят во время упражнений, область вокруг локтей болит тоже. Самое сложное упражнение - отжимания. Второе самое болезненное упражнение - выпад вперёд плюс удар, когда я делаю его левой рукой. Боль становится сильнее ближе к концу повторов. Но моя правая рука чувствует себя нормально.
Одно из упражнений стало трудно сделать, это альтернативная форма 4-го упражнения. Я не знаю, как продолжать его делать, возможно, буду просто делать его с руками ниже, чем в горизонтальном положении.
Если вы задавались вопросом, что со мной не так, то я скажу вам  у меня тяжёлый случай сколиоза, так что, к примеру, я не могу поддерживать хорошую осанку и некоторые из моих поз выглядят некрасиво. Старайтесь держать спину прямо, если вы можете. Я не могу.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cream of straw?

I noticed this product called "Straw cream". "Interesting" - I thought.

Seems their picture is wrong and it should be something like this instead.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Chloë Grace Moretz looks like some porn model

Chloë Grace Moretz looks like some porn model.
Don't look at these images unless you are of a legal age to look at them.

Friday, November 11, 2016

4 kilo dumbbells training - results

15 days of training with 4 kilo dumbbells are gone and it's the measurements time.
Are there any gains and changes?
There are! And here they are (everything is in cm and from left to right):
biceps - 36.1; 37
chest (inhaled) - 108
waist - 85.5 (I am glad it didn't grow since the last time)
thighs - 58.5; 59.5
calves - 39; 39.3
forearms - 29; 30

It's quite impressive to me :) I hope I can keep up with the next 5 kilos challenge. In his later books Sandow said that there is no need to take up on more than 4 kilos dumbbells and he suggested to keep training with them for at least as a half year! I will still try to follow his earlier book's progress sheet which tells us to go up to 10 kilos, although it sounds really terrible to me.

15 дней тренировок с 4-ёхкилограммовыми гантелями ушли в прошлое, и сейчас время снятия мерок.
Есть ли какой-либо прирост и изменения?
Есть! И вот они (все в см и слева направо):
бицепсы - 36,1; 37
грудь (на вдохе) - 108
талия - 85,5 (я рад, что она не подросла, так, как это было в последний раз)
бёдра - 58,5; 59,5
икры - 39; 39,3
предплечья - 29; 30

Это довольно впечатляюще для меня :) Я надеюсь, что смогу поспевать со следующим 5-тикилограммовым вызовом. В своих более поздних книгах Сандов говорит, что нет необходимости приниматься за более чем 5-тикилограммовые гантели, и он советовал продолжать тренироваться с ними, по крайней мере, полгода! Я всё же буду стараться следовать таблице прогресса его предыдущей книги, которая говорит нам идти до 10-ти килограммов, хотя, как по-мне это звучит действительно страшно.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

DIY tablet (pad) holder for a door knob

Hello, everyone!
I want to share my DIY thingy - tablet (pad) holder for a door knob.

You will need a cardboard box, scissors, some straws or sticks to fix a tablet inside the box and that's it.

First, put the tablet in the box and make 4 holes as close to the surface of the tablet as possible, on the same line of the tablet frame in order not to cover the screen. Then make a hole suitable for your door's knob.

Second, put the straws through the holes.

Third, connect the straws as in the photo.

Fourth, use your tablet holder as you see fit.

In my case I spend meaningful time in the toilet translating some manga, so I need my hands free to use a translation software in my phone. 😁

It's pretty safe and the tablet won't fall out easily.

Monday, November 7, 2016

training with 4 kilos dumbbells

This is a video of me training with 4 kilos dumbbells, following Sandow's system plus some variations of my own.
Feel free to ask questions about my training.

Biceps exercises are still the most painful of all, push-ups with weights are still the most difficult of all.

Это видео того, как я тренируюсь с 4-х килограммовыми гантелями, следуя системе Сандова плюс некоторые мои собственные вариации.Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы о моей тренировке.
Упражнения на бицепсы по-прежнему самые болезненные из всех, отжимания с весом всё ещё самые сложные из всех.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Trump and Zadornov

They look similar, don't they? Trump and Zadornov.

Results after 3 kg Sandow's sytem cycle

It's the end of the second cycle of Sandow's dumbbells exercises system and it's time to do the next measurement.
Let's see what I got during the last 15 days of training.
All measured parts show increase in size and even my belly which I don't like! I think it's due to my excess eating of ice-creams and cookies.
All measures are in centimeters.
R&L biceps: 36.5; 35.6
Chest (inhaled): 106
Waist: 85.5
R&L thighs: 60; 59
R&L calves: 39; 39
R&L forearms: 29.5; 29

I'd like to remind that the measurements were taken next day after finishing the cycle (the body was not pumped by the exercises right before the measurements but in a normal state).

По завершении следующего цикла приходит время замеров! Всё подросло, включая живот, что меня не очень радует. Но я думаю это произошло из-за того, что я ел безмерно мороженки и печеньки.
Выше можно посмотреть результаты замеров в таком порядке:
Всё дано в сантиметрах.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

next post in the "Sandow's system"

Hello again and this is the next post in the "Sandow's system" topic.
Last time I posted a video of the 7th day of dumbbells exercising and this time it's the same 7th day with the only difference that the dumbbells became 1 kilo heavier, that is 3 kilos!
My impressions - yeah, it's like 1.5 times harder to do the exercises with this weight plus my arms still ache where forearm begins.
Nevertheless I witness some growth in my muscles and I swear I don't do anything else except daily exercises with 3 kilos dumbbells.

Let me tell you my results after 15 days of exercises with 2 kilos dumbbells:
Biceps right and left - 35.5cm 34.5cm
Chest - 105cm
Waist - 83cm
Thighs R L - 58cm 57cm
Calves R L - 38.5cm 38.5cm
Forearms R L - 29cm 28.5cm

Здравствуйте еще раз, и это следующий пост по теме "система Сандова".
В прошлый раз, я разместил видео на 7-й день тренировки с гантелями и на этот раз это тот же 7-й день, с той лишь разницей, что гантели стали тяжелее на 1 кг, то есть  теперь они 3 кг!
Мои впечатления - да, раза в 1,5 труднее делать упражнения с этим весом плюс мои руки до сих пор болят, там где начинаются предплечья.
Тем не менее я вижу некоторый рост в мышцах, и я клянусь, что я больше ничего, кроме ежедневных упражнений с гантелями по 3 кг не делаю.

Позвольте мне рассказать вам мои результаты после 15 дней упражнений с гантелями по 2 кг:
Бицепс справа и слева - 35.5cm 34.5cm
Грудь - 105см
Талия - 83см
Бедра П Л - 58см 57см
Икры П Л - 38,5 38,5
Предплечья П Л - 29см 28.5cm

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Eugene Sandow's system plus variations - day 7

Day six - muscles on the arms' bent are aching like crazy. Whether it's the lower edges of biceps or something else, I don't know, but it makes training more difficult.
Here is how I perform exercises on the 7th day of training. Dumbbells are 2 kilos each.
На шестой день руки болят на сгибах, транироваться труднее с этой болью. Выше выкладываю видео того, как я делаю упражнения на 7-й день.

Monday, September 12, 2016



And so after several days I have got my set of dumbbells and can start training by Sandow's program.

There was a bit of disappointment as the dumbbells are made not of metal, but of concrete in plastic tanks with small round caps not letting it to spill out. Compared to normal metal plates these are much bigger and occupy unnecessarily more space. Though they are cheaper I would still prefer metal ones to the concrete ones but I didn't know what I was buying before I got the parcel. I ordered some metal plates as an addition to my pair of dumbbells so I could add weight gradually, by one kilo after a cycle of training.

Now I'd like to introduce measurements of my body parts before I begin following Sandow's system on obtaining strength.
Biceps right and left: 34.5 and 33.2 cm

Forearms right and left: 28.5 and 28 cm

Chest (inhaled): 102 cm

Waist: 85.3 cm

Thighs right and left: 55 and 54 cm

Calves right and left: 38.5 and 38.4

Weight: 74kg

Гантели прибыли и можно начинать занятия.
Пришлось докупить блинчики, чтобы можно было подобрать именно 2 кило и потом поднимать на 1 кило, стандартного набора гантелей на 10 кило не хватает для этих целей.

Выше вы можете посмотреть мои замеры в таком порядке: