Hello. I haven't posted in a long while and now I have quite many photos and some videos which I already don't remember how to qualify nor sort. I'll just give some short comments and let you make your own conclusions. The photos range from the beginning of 2018 to the present day of 2019 (end of September).
These were my average meals for a long time (half a year to a year)

Here I was traveling for a month and I took my dumbbells with me loaded to be 9 kg each, thus I used Sandow's method to stay fit while away from home. I exercised every other day during the trip.
Just a random shots on one day after training, but this training wasn't Sandow's system. It's a usual free weights training. Later you'll see my exercises.
I made my wife do exercises too and she was fit while she lasted. Unfortunately she is a down-to-earth woman who won't do any kind of exercises unless pushed. She didn't last long.
I tried to get splits, I tried every other day, I tried every day, for 3 months, then for half a year and this is what I had reached.
Here I had to move my gym to my small apartment which didn't stop me from training, although in a tight environment.
My friend gave me a 3 months membership in a gym so I trained there with him, but he was "just toning" and I was just doing my stuff.
This was an outing to a place where I could swim. I got the fat on my belly when I was trying to bulk using Sandow's system and a lot of food. Later I could never get rid of it, but to be honest I haven't tried hard to lose it. It's annoying but doesn't bother me that much.
Here are some photos after a while of training with free weights (dumbbells, barbell and other stuff, not Sandow's).
I had to stay at an airport for a day yet I didn't skip my stretching.
Here when I was at my mom's I had to use Sandow's system to keep myself fit because there were dumbbells only. I added an exercise for the back and my mom and wife and the cat had to help me to counterbalance me.
I was traveling again and used what I could to stay more or less fit.
On this day I bought some more plates for dumbbells: 7.5 kilos, 5 kilos, 3 kilos. I had progressed to the point when my old set of plates wasn't enough already. Later I bought 10 kilos plates too.
I continued stretching for splits, unsuccessfully.
My food intake rose to this size and I kept it for maybe half a year.

These are my "new" exercises with weights. I started using them after I had tried Sandow's system from the beginning to the end. It should be more than 2 years already that I've been doing these exercises. That's the only stable thing. If you take my food then it's always different and I raise the quantity or decrease it from time to time. Then there's also the way I do the exercises, it's different every now and then and I am not sure if it's good or bad. In the course of time I've been doing this I've gone from training 3 days a week to 1, from doing 4 sets of each exercise per training session to 1, from switching the weights in 4 sets from 50% to 100% of the working weight to just having 100%, from 10 reps to 8. That's not all, I did balanced training (strength/size, 10 reps), I did pure strength training (3-5 reps), currently I am doing none of the above (8 reps, 8 seconds each rep). So, for now I think I crystallized the optimal way of training for me: 1 training session (14 exercises, usually 8 reps 8 seconds each rep), 5 days rest, rinse and repeat. I haven't done it for a long time yet (1 month for now), but I hope it will give me what I need. For example, after the 2nd week of such training my biceps grew half centimeter and 4 millimeters bigger right one and left one correspondingly.
This is day 1 training of the 1st month.
This is day 2 training of the 1st month.
This is day 3 training of the 1st month.
In February of 2019 I started to use protein powder replacing chicken meat with it.
Here's day 1 training of the 2nd month.
Here's day 2 training of the 2nd month.
The 3rd day of training of the 2nd month is missing, but fret not as there is a video with all the exercises I did on the 3rd day and all others. I'll put it in the next post.